Friday, March 7, 2008

second batch of articles

Review for the 6th article:

This article is about HRH Prince Talal Bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, also named as the Director General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, describes on how the International Year of Freshwater 2003 can provide an opportunity for governments and individuals to take stock of what they can do to resolve the global water crisis. He mentioned that water is a scarce resource and scarcity of water per capita is increasing from year to year in many parts of the developing world. Thus, in order to control and solve this problem, not only depending on the governments, but from all of us who use water – and abuse it, must set goals and work towards the goals as ‘Water is life’.

Review for the 7th article:

The article is about the speech by Kofi A. Annan, the United Nations Secretary-General on World Environment Day 2003. He mentioned the jarring fact that many in the world do not receive ready access to fresh water and sanitation. Many people die under such conditions, and making it all worse, the realization that this all could be avoided if they had access to fresh water and sanitation. Mr. Kofi A. Annan also believes that together with a supply of fresh water, fresh thinking is also vital in making a change. With fresh thinking, we would be able to find a cheap and simple solution which would be truly applicable for all that need help. In the end he urges us to help our fellow human beings who are in need of water and sanitation.

Review for the 8th article:

Human race is facing a serious water crisis and it’s getting worse from time to time. There are various causes which are poor water governance, polluted natural environment and poverty. Water crisis is one of the major challenges that are being faced by the human race and corrective actions needs to be taken in order to ensure our survival.

Review for the 9th article:

The article emphasizes on the living conditions of the slum dwellers. The major cause of death, disease and lost productivity for the slum dwellers is environmental factors such as unsafe water, inadequate sanitation, poor air quality and burning refuse.

Review for the 10th article:

Urbanization is gaining great momentum these days. Some may say it is synonymous with progress but yet, urbanization today has brought with it instead, decline in many areas of life. Many of the cities in the world now are beds that spread pollution, disease and poverty. But it need not be that way, through proper city planning and clean energy technology; cities will not be the cause anymore but will be part of a solution to all these problems. The ultimate goal being that the idea of ‘Green Cities: Plan for the Planet!’ be a reality.

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