Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fujitsu; our 3rd, 4th & 5th case study

The 3rd case study is about Fujitsu 3rd environmental protection program. The duration for this program is three years which was from 2001 to 2003. In the program, they have six major fields which is aimed in making all products "Green Product" (eco-friendly product, lead solder abolition is included), thoroughgoing green procurement, expansion of product recycling, energy saving for electric power, oil, and gas, zero-emission containing domestic wastes (kitchen garbage etc.) and lastly, expansion of the kinds of chemicals to be reduced.

They have a few targets as well which are production of all new ‘Green Products” by the end of fiscal 2002, abolishment of lead solder from products manufactured by them by the end of fiscal 2002, percentage of green materials and parts for products to be 99% or more of procured money by the end of fiscal 2002 (office supplies), 100% of procured office supplies to be green products certified by public corporation or organization by the end of fiscal 2002, reused and recycled material rate on collected waste products to be 90% by the end of fiscal 2003, sales-based energy (electricity, oil, and gas) consumption per unit to be cut 40% by the end of fiscal 2003 based on fiscal 1990 results, waste zero-emission to be achieved by the end of fiscal 2003 and lastly, the release of main chemicals to be cut 30% by the end of fiscal 2003 based on fiscal 1998 results.

As for the 4th stage of Fujitsu’s environmental protection program, they put priority on three concepts which was the establishment of the sustainable management based on environmental management, establishment of group governance and the provision of the green product and eco-efficiency solution in a Customer-Centric Way. Along with these concepts, Fujitsu Group had set six targets to be met which are provision of the super green products, provision of the eco-efficiency solution, abolition of specified hazardous substances in all Fujitsu-brand products, establishment of the recycle system in overseas, reinforcement of the environmental management based on EMS and lastly, the improvement of the environmental efficiency throughout lifecycles. Due to well planning and cooperation from all the personnel, Fujitsu Group managed to achieve all the targets abovementioned except that the utilization rate of recovered waste plastic for Fujitsu Group in Japan was not increased to 20% by the end of fiscal 2006.

The 5th case study that we have is the 5th phase of the environmental protection program of Fujitsu group. In this phase, they emphasize on improving the environmental value of products and services, global warming countermeasures, reinforcing governance, reinforcing risk management and lastly, the environmental contributions to the society. At this phase, their targets are:
• Increase the number of Super Green Products
• Achieve an improved environmental efficiency factor
• Increase resource reuse and recycling for collected end-of-life products
• Expand environmental solution offerings
• Reduce CO2 emissions from energy consumption
• Reduce greenhouse gasses other than CO2
• Reduce CO2 emissions during distribution and transport
• Apply Green Factory and Green Office systems
• Reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions
• Reduce waste generation
• Improve our environmental management system (EMS)
• Advance green procurement activities
• Organize more activities for environmental contributions to society

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