Monday, March 10, 2008

our FIRST case study! - Black Sea pollution & tourism

The 1st case study is about pollution of the black sea. Due to the pollution, it directly affects the tourism sector and the occupants that are staying at the bordering coastal states at 1992. Besides the tourism sector and the occupants that were affected, the ocean habitat was seriously threatened. From an article, a journalist noted that 90% of the black sea can be declared dead and by the year 2040, it will be totally destroyed if no corrective action is taken. Ukraine contributes the most to the environmental issue but at the same time they suffer the most among all the countries from every aspect including water pollution, soil erosion, chemical contamination and serious air pollution which is ten times higher than officially permitted rates. However, Ukraine has not taken any effort in involving themselves in cooperating with other CIS states in cleaning up the region for their own benefit in terms of pollution and tourism.

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